Solid Rock International


Stay current with the most recent happenings of SRI in the Dominican Republic by following the blogs below. Check back frequently for updates on all that is going on with SRI teams, missionaries, and projects!

REVOLUTION Campaign Blog In cooperation with Dominican nonprofit partner ACPSI (The Christian Association for the Promotion of Integral Health), a new building has been constructed for the Christian Clinic for Integral Health to help fulfill its original vision of serving the poorest of the poor while providing opportunities to expand available services to the southwestern region of the Dominican Republic. We believe this facility will be a REVOLUTION for the community, but we cannot succeed without the prayers, participation, and financial giving from people like you.

Sarah’s Blog Sarah’s very first mission trip was with SRI and God used it to plant a seed as she finished school and considered her future plans. In early 2022, Sarah joined the SRI staff as medical coordinator and finds great joy using her nursing education and organizational skills to help others. Sarah works closely with SRI’s short-term medical mission teams serving at the Christian Clinic for Integral Health as well as those providing in barrio clinics. Follow along on her blog as she shares experiences from her time serving as medical coordinator!

Katelyn’s Blog After a life-changing short-term mission trip with SRI in 2020, Katelyn became passionate about serving in the Dominican Republic. She began leading teams and volunteering with other teams, and her experiences left a profound impact on her faith and relationship with God. Katelyn joined the SRI staff in September 2023 and uses her grasp of the Spanish language and gift of hospitality to care for short-term mission teams as guesthouse host. Check out Katelyn’s blog to learn more about what it’s like to host mission teams in San Juan!

Kelsi’s Blog Kelsi first served with SRI on a short-term mission trip in 2019. This experience left such a profound impact on her life that she went on to return many more times with her church. Eventually, an opportunity arose for a long-term commitment with SRI and Kelsi joined the missionary staff team in early 2024. She brings her nursing background to assist with short-term medical mission teams and also provides additional support to the guesthouse operations. Kelsi’s blog provides great insight into life in the DR and SRI’s various ministries!