Solid Rock International

Donate: Jason and Nicole Hoover

Missionary: Jason and Nicole Hoover

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Operations Support Coordinator & Child Nutrition Program Coordinator
We originally accepted God’s call to serve in San Juan in 2016 with our children, Ethan and Miriam. We have already seen some parts of SRI’s ministry in action and feel blessed to now be part of the team. As Child Nutrition Program Coordinator, I (Nicole) have the opportunity to use the organizational and patient care skills I learned as an ultrasonographer in a brand new way. As Operations Support Coordinator, I (Jason) get to use my broad knowledge in construction and maintenance to assist construction teams and projects throughout SRI ministries. Our hearts are joyful as we serve God and His people in a country we have come to love.

Per IRS regulations, contributions are made with the understanding that SRI has control over the use of donated funds. If, however, funds are unable to be applied according to original donor intent, the donor will be contacted before funds are allocated in a different manner.